Q1: Ease of Use

MoDriv Mobile App Enhancing the MoDriv app for a superior user experience:

  • Mobile App Optimization: Implementing improvements and resolving bugs for smoother app functionality.

  • Roles & Permissions: Offering users the ability to set sophisticated permissions within the app.

  • In-App Wallet Integration: Integrating a blockchain wallet feature to streamline user onboarding to MoDriv, eliminating the need for separate wallet apps and simplifying transaction processes.

  • Referral Program: Incentivizing users with additional $MDR tokens for successfully introducing new users to the platform.

  • Diagnostic Tool: Incorporating a feature to diagnose error codes, providing clear explanations for dashboard alerts, like emission control system leaks.

MoDriv Platform Advancing data processing, analysis, and accessibility:

  • Data Decoding & Standardization: Enhancing data visibility within the app, standardizing vehicle data formats, and developing a comprehensive data dictionary for developers.

  • Expanded Roles & Permissions: Upgrading the Vehicle ID NFT smart contract to offer more nuanced permissions, like sharing car location, telemetry data, and remote control features.

  • MoDriv Canonical Naming: Introducing user-friendly names for devices connected to MoDriv.

  • Protocol Open Sourcing: Releasing our libraries to the public to foster community contributions to MoDriv.

  • User On-Chain Accounts: Developing multi-profile accounts to support account recovery, family, and fleet usage.

Hardware Ecosystem Laying the groundwork for a diverse range of compatible devices:

  • Next-Gen Low-Cost Device: Introducing an affordable, lightweight device prototype.

  • Open Hardware Standards: Establishing guidelines for manufacturers to create MoDriv-compatible devices.

  • Expanding Manufacturer Network: Preparing to onboard additional device manufacturers for a wider range of hardware options.

Community Engagement Kickstarting the MoDriv community:

  • Governance Launch: Empowering $MDR token holders with voting rights on protocol decisions.

  • Defining MoDriv Foundation's Role: Clarifying the scope and responsibilities of the MoDriv Foundation.

  • Exclusive Community Channels: Implementing token-gated channels on Discord, where wallet connections grant roles based on $MDR holdings, alpha fleet NFTs, and VehicleID.

Last updated